Hawkeye Fans/Supporters–
A little over a year ago I took over as HWC President. At that time I had some ideas that I thought would help our club. I was well aware of the challenges… Other clubs were raising more money…. We faced an uphill battle.
What I didn’t know was the support, ideas and the number of people that would help me in this effort.
It’s hard to believe… but a simple thread on the Hawkeye Report wrestling forum generated over $100,000 in donations in 2017.
Since I started as President of the HWC, I have met people that have become great friends and even board members for the Club.
We have a long way to go… But we are grateful for every donation, big or small, every volunteer hour, and every suggestion.
We are making progress!! Sometimes little things make a big difference in the long run, and we are improving a lot of little things.
Some people ask me… What happened in the last year? A few accomplishments:
1. Increased our communications… emails/phone calls, etc.
2. Increased our social media presence.
3. Designed a new website.
4. Have more opportunities for fans to interact with the athletes.
5. Newly designed donor gear (more on that a bit farther down)
6. Focused on fundraising– raffles, auctions and improving existing events.
7. Encourage and accept matching donations from companies.
8. Expanded our Board of Directors.
Those are a few examples, and there is a lot more to be done. But I feel the passion, I feel the excitement. We hear you! Most fans want World medals and a collegiate team that has the Championship trophy, and we are getting there… no doubt about it.
A new program we are very excited about is rolling out immediately, it is called the Inner Circle. In the next week there will be more details on the specifics, but today I want to share the logo for Inner Circle swag. We have some awesome, high quality gear for our Inner Circle members. It is in stock and ready to send out.

Inner Circle is an idea that was created from the forums. In a nutshell, it is our way of thanking and recognizing those that have decided to support us with recurring donations of $25 per month or more. As of today, we have roughly 85 people that donate between $10 and $250 per month. This amount is automatically donated using their credit or debit card.
HWC can count on this monthly income. We can budget for that income. It is an important part of our future growth. We have fans that are donating monthly. We would like to recognize them with some cool gear and other benefits that will be announced. If you are not a monthly donor please consider being a part of the Inner Circle…
As always, it is my honor and privilege to serve. Thank YOU for helping me and our club. You make a difference!
Randy Novak
HWC President
P.S. If you experience any difficulties signing up, please contact Moriah.
The Hawkeye Wrestling Club is a 501c3 not for profit. Donations are typically tax deductible (please consult a tax professional).