Hawkeye Wrestling Club


Thank you

Thank You HWC


Thank you to our Inner Circle Members, Rob McReynold Award Winners,  Corporate Sponsors, and Event Sponsors for their continuous support and donations to our Hawkeye Wrestling Club. These are the people who continue our mission and our athlete’s missions to become the most dedicated, hardworking athletes in wrestling. Because of these people we have the opportunity of continue growing the HWC program. Your support and donation is making a difference each and every day.


The HWC staff & athletes

HWC Supporters
Rob McReynold
Award Winners

About Rob McReynolds:

Born in Dodgeville, Wisconsin, Rob McReynolds moved to the Hawkeye State with his family in 1964. He graduated from DeWitt Central High School in 1977, lettering as a three-sport athlete in baseball, football, and wrestling. Rob excelled in wrestling and set the school single-season record with 31 wins in 1977. He did not win the Iowa State Wrestling Tournament and ironically, this disappointment became a driving force for many things he did over the next thirty years.

After their marriage in 1981, Rob and his wife, Barb moved to Colorado. There, he began his 36-year career in the roofing business. He purchased D Roofing Inc. in 1997. With enthusiasm, trust, and hard work, he built an incredible customer base. He was committed to keeping his customers happy, and every employee was aware of this priority. In addition, the company won job workmanship awards from the Colorado Roofing Association (CRA) for 15 consecutive years. Nationally, Roofing ranked as high as 16th based on total sales volume and they consistently finished in the top 40 in the U.S. In 2014, D Roofing won the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) prestigious Gold Circle Award for the job of the year.

During his career in roofing, Rob held many leadership roles for both the CRA and the NRCA. In the roofing industry, it was well known that Rob raised the bar for roofing contractor standards. Starting in 2003, he worked on over 19 different committees for the NRCA for 10 years. He was the president of the National Roofing Legal Resource Center in 2008. Rob also served as a director for the NRCA from 2003 to 2007 and was later promoted to vice president of the NRCA Executive Board from 2009 to 2011. Rob was the president of the CRA in 2004. In 2013, Rob won the Lifetime Achievement Award from the CRA. Rob sold D Roofing Inc. in January of 2016 and managed the transition for the new owners for two years until retiring in January of 2018.

A loving husband and father, Rob and his wife raised two daughters. As a family, they suffered the loss of a three-month old son who died of SIDS in 1987. Without a doubt, Rob was devastated. He found an outlet to ease his pain through coaching High School wrestling in Colorado. Those who wrestled for him knew that Coach McReynolds required dedication and commitment, but they also recognized that he sincerely cared to make them better at their sport and outstanding young men. He coached for a span of 10 years through 1996. The pinnacle of Rob’s coaching career came from 1993 through 1995. For those three consecutive years, Rob coached the wrestler of the year in the state of Colorado. Those three wrestlers had a combined record of 107 wins with zero losses. Rob also coached a Colorado Cadet and Junior National team from 1992 to 1995.

Rob was passionate about everything in life and was known for his high energy, drive, and determination. An avid Hawkeye wrestling fan, Rob was a board member of the Hawkeye Wrestling Club. He attended 34 NCAA wrestling tournaments and was a member of the National Wrestling Coaches Association for 25 years. With his family at his side, Rob passed away in September 2019 following a bout with cancer.


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Award Winner(s) 2024

Mitch Kelly

Award Winner(s) 2023

Roy J. Carver & Dan Gable

Award Winner (2022)

Herb Tyler

Award Winner (2021)

Randy Novak

Award Winner (2020)

Beth & Steve Reese

Award Winner (2019)

Forrest Molinari

View Our 592 Active HWC Inner Circle Members

Aaron Dixon

Aaron Stoessel

Aaron Thurn

Adam Bedell

Adam Leach

Adam Nemmers

Adam Oppendike

Adam Reynolds

Adam Williams

Alex Henrich

Alex Leust

Alexa Mayner

Alison Speltz

Amber Hunt

Ami Liebsch

Amy Young

Andrew Jeffrey

Andrew Pettit

Andy Gericke

Andy Locascio

Annie Gavin

April Schmitz

Arlan Kamstra

Art Garcia

August Katz

Austin Budlong

Austin Clark

Azchief32 Hawkinaz

Bailey Hawn

Bailey Westfall

Barbara Mcreynolds

Barbara Reynolds

Ben Holscher

Ben Marsden

Ben Marshall

Ben Steele

Ben Weeks

Benjamin Blaylock

Benjamin Ostrander

Bernard Fox

Bill Bramley

Bill Mitchell

Bill Northup

Bj Miller

Blake Rasing

Bob Franklin

Bobby Miller

Bonnie Brands

Boyd & Karen Shaffer

Brad Davis

Brad Lester

Brad Losee

Brad Nagel

Brad Obermeier

Bradford Reeves

Bradley Nielsen

Bradley Trow

Brandon Freel

Brandon Hudson

Brandon Rogers

Brandon Young

Brent Coleman

Brent Feller

Brent Holstein

Brett Mcdonough

Brett Rainey

Brett Shafer

Brett Sperry

Brian Armstrong

Brian Horgen

Brian Martin

Brian Morrow

Brian Nedved

Brian Ralston

Brian Schroeder

Brian Shedek

Brian Steil

Brock Alter

Brock Norton

Brock Shriver

Brody Hubbell

Bruce Ennen

Bruce Green

Bruce Ringdahl

Bruce Tweeton

Bruce Willey

Bryce Swanson

C.T. Campbell

Calvin Luzum

Candice Link

Carole Pepe

Caryn Ward

Cash Wilcke

Chad Christensen

Chad Gotto

Chad Krantman

Chad Olberding

Chad Scarberry

Chad Teasdale

Chad Velvick

Charles Michelson

Chris Arthur

Chris Bagby

Chris Boran

Chris Hupert

Chris Young

Christopher Graham

Christopher Lopez

Christopher Trovato

Chuck Yagla

Clarke Feldmann

Clayton Hoffman

Cliff Howlett

Clint Knoll

Cody & Cali Lawler

Cody Feldmann

Cody Fisher

Cody Grunenwald

Cody Woodward

Cole Larsen

Colton Voga

Corey Stanley

Corey Stanley

Cory Taylor

Craig Dawson

Craig Grobstich

Craig Kerndt

Craig Moeckly

Curt Heideman

Curt Miller

Dain Lundvall

Dan Chapman

Dan Flanagan

Dan Foster

Dan Fritz

Dan Hayes

Dan Ryerson

Dan Schultz

Dana Scott

Daniel Blomquist

Daniel Jabens

Daniel Patrick

Dannie Strable

Danny Olszta

Darren Grimshaw

Daryl Weber

Dave Hall

Dave Kirkby

Dave Marshall

Dave Nelson

Dave Oelmann

Dave Reynolds

Dave Sadeghi

David Anderson

David Burdakin

David Calkins

David Clay

David Dick

David Groteluschen

David Howlett

David Lucero

David Maholtz

David Mcelligott

Dawson Knapp

Deborah Connell

Dennis Karamitros

Dennis Zink

Denny Ridenour

Derek Johanns

Deric Powell

Dfklj Lkjdf

Diana Lamphier

Diane Woodward

Dick Cassidy

Dickie Hartmanm

Don Kennedy

Donald Lewis

Doug Benjamin

Doug Carmichael

Doug Davis

Dustin Grothoff

Edward Annino

Eladio Couto

Eric Bigley

Eric Kellogg

Eric Quinn

Eric Sacharczyk

Eric Spittler

Eric Stafford

Erica Bral

Erin Pitz

Ethan Adams

Faisal Qayyum

Fauna Tungjaroenkul

Frank Ellinger

Gabriel Cohen

Gary Lentzkow

Gary Wilkinson

Geoffery White

Gino Fagnilli

Gordon Epping

Greg Anderson

Greg Fox

Greg Mcginnis

Herm Reinings

Holly & Will Carano

J.D. Stover

Jacey Slaton

Jack Wajda

Jackson Brennan

Jackson Hanft

Jacob Thein

Jaime Valentin

Jake And Nancy Parizek

Jake Boesch

Jame Siiff

James Dematteis

James Hofer

James Kelly

James White

Jana Grienke

Jason Conley

Jason Mccormick

Jason Tolle

Jason Ugolini

Jason Welch

Jayce Wyatt

Jed Brown

Jed Schuck

Jeff Budlong

Jeff Forcht

Jeff Larkins

Jeff Quick

Jeff Ulch

Jeff Wilson

Jeffery Ratcliff

Jeffrey Edgar

Jeffrey Smetzer

Jennifer Brands

Jeremy Black

Jeremy Clem

Jeremy Swenson

Jeromy Mouw

Jerrod Keith

Jerry Stravia

Jerry Yeggy

Jerry Yeggy

Jim Cayton

Jim Heffernan

Jim Hulgan

Jim Jackson

Jim Mclaughlin

Jim Ryan

Jim Sinclair

Jim Thomas

Jim Warkentin

Jimme Stir

Jimmy Fogarty.

Jimmy Rang

Jodi Reindl

Joe Kane

Joe Nelson

Joe Ripperger

Joe Wegman

Joel Mccaw

Joel Schwiete

Joey Millunzi

John Boardman

John Carroll

John Devos

John Finstad

John Gaffey

John Osterhout

John Stokes

John Stromert

Jon Badger

Jon Tornberg

Jonathan Denny

Jonathan Wilson

Jordan Hildreth

Jordan Walker

Jordan Winke

Jordin Bakke

Jorduan Griffin

Joseph Lotus

Joseph Moore

Josh Bolton

Josh Forcht

Josh Immerfall

Josh Kephart

Josh Rechkemmer

Josh Sax

Josh Smyser

Josh Sturgill

Joshua Koza

Joshua Madsen

Judi Glasgow

Julia Tomash

Julie Ford

Jurgen Block

Justin Fallein

Justin Fix

Justin Heimer

Justin Ross

Justin Stanley

Justin Walker

K Gable

Karen Ackerman

Karl Swenson

Karry Smith

Keith Hanna

Keith Malek

Keith Stanley

Kellen Kraber

Kelly Devore

Kelsey Pool

Kevin Kincaid

Kevin Krieg

Kevin Mineart

Kevin Ring

Kevin Sadler

Kevin&Margaret Tellier

Kim Klein

Kirk Crittenden

Kurt Steward

Kyle Beaird

Kyle Cole

Kyle Hoefing

Kyle Thomann

Kyle Wellington

Lance Christensen

Lance Forbes

Lance Lane

Lance Noble

Landon Wade

Larry Lee

Larry Pump

Larry Richards

Larry Wajda

Larry Zimmerman

Leroy Close

Levi Vogel

Logan Bickel

Logan Gahring

Logan Keese

Lori Whitnell

Lucas Chittum

Luke Fossey

Marcus Lang

Marcus Perkins

Mark Bradshaw

Mark Groteluschen

Mark Hartman

Mark Lago

Mark Law

Mark Lucas

Mark Ostrander

Mark Sweet

Marshall Bickford

Martin Foxen

Marty Vanderheidem

Mat Eveleth

Matt And Terry Geneser

Matt Burright

Matt Butz

Matt Drewe

Matt Hill

Matt Kuster

Matt Otis

Matt Peterson

Matt Shaver

Matt Ward

Matt Wilkerson

Matthew Dietz

Matthew Horn

Matthew Kees

Matthew Lepic

Matthew Pacha

Melissa Hodges

Melissa Simon

Michael Bouril

Michael Crawford

Michael Deanna

Michael Denny

Michael Fleshman

Michael Hake

Michael Hatcher

Michael Iuliano

Michael Kumpf

Michael Lauderbaugh

Michael Lewis

Michael Matzen

Michael Mcclure

Michael Mclaughlin

Michael Pickford

Michael Shultz

Michael Zierath

Michele Reiland

Mike Beal

Mike Crane

Mike Eversmeyer

Mike Faley

Mike Fallein

Mike Freel

Mike Mcguire

Mike Railsback

Mike Schick

Mike Schumacher

Mike/Jeanne Marlow

Milton Moctezuma

Mitch & Renee Ralston

Mitch Glew

Mitch Lauer

Mitch Lupkes

Mitchell Thomann

Nathan Jacobs

Nathan Pieken

Neil Saunders

New E

Nic Jarvis

Nicholas Bestor

Nicholas Thompson

Nick Harris

Nick Heeren

Nick Jameson

Nick Lupkes

Nick Miller

Nolan Mente

Nora Lee

Paige Hess

Pat Pithan

Pat Ryan

Pat Venteicher

Patrick O'Rourke

Paul Coffelt

Paul Daft

Paul Hottel

Paul Hufford

Paul Kammerman

Paul/Julie Lopez

Perez Perez

Perry Glassgow

Pete Davisson

Pete Stroh

Phil Arnold

Philip Keese

Phillip Langrehr

Preston Smith

Quintin Bryant

Randy Dawson

Randy Fisher

Randy Robinson

Randy Vogel

Ray Lukkarinen

Ray Novick

Raymond Haupert

Reed Schlee

Regis Butz

Reid Miller

Rich Elliott

Richard Hall

Richard Winnike

Richard Young

Rick Assad

Rick Bach

Rick Young

Rob & Alicia Hutt

Rob Rushton

Robert Alsaker

Robert Bixby

Robert Foss

Robert Mccaffrey

Robert Sherer

Rodney Comried

Rodney Vance

Roger & Amanda Riggins

Ron Lutcavish

Ron Pint

Ross Bartachek

Russ Pixler

Ryan & Stacy Kinkaid

Ryan Baustian

Ryan Cassidy

Ryan Dunlay

Ryan Frede

Ryan Junkins

Ryan Lynn

Ryan Murphy

Ryan Roemerman

Ryan Schriever

Ryan Smidt

Ryan Stewart

Ryan Toth

Salomon Aragon

Sam Jameson

Sara Harper

Scott Green

Scott Havel

Scott Hayungs

Scott Koester

Scott Monat

Scott Stahmer

Scott Volquartsen

Sean Woodward

Shane Madsen

Shari Terry

Shawn Tuck

Shawn Voigts

Shea Fowler

Skylar Stark

Sone Lovan

Steve Droll

Steve Hollan

Steve Mcclelland

Steve Mueller

Steve Murray

Steve Reese

Steve Roeder

Steven Davis

Steven Droll

Steven Keane

Steven Nyquist

Steven Olson

T.J. Love

Tanner Utley

Taylor Cook

Terrie Mccain

Terry Cole

Terry Klooster

Terry Stuart

Thomas Chiles

Thomas Pronk

Thomas Twait

Tiegen Podliska

Tim & Michelle Havenstrite

Tim And Idil Evans

Tim Butler

Tim Colby

Tim Dvorak

Timothy (Neumann Monson Architects)

Timothy And Lynn Skopec

Timothy Butz

Timothy Fairbanks

Timothy Helgeson

Timothy Simpkins

Timothy Thurn

Todd Barnes

Todd Gladson

Todd Lundgren

Todd Tarpley

Tom Bertell

Tom Edgington

Tom Flood

Tom Loussaert

Tom Mashek

Tom Schmidt

Toni Rogers

Tony Benavides

Torrey Martin

Travis Thomas

Travis Weaver

Trent Maring

Trey Hendricks

Trey Keeley

Tricia Earnest

Troy Bennett

Troy Haider

Troy Martin

Troy Roach

Ty Caviness

Ty Windy

Tyler Barnes

Tyler Bitting

Tyson Dukes

Vern Anderson

Vicki Trueg

W. Scott

Wade Kimm

Wayne Hicks

William Kinney

William Maroney

William Tallman

Zach Baughman

Zach Crawford

Zach Feller

Zach Grouwinkel

Zach Pechous

Zach Simpson

Zach Walters

Zahasky Construction

Zeb Zaruba

Zoey Jensen


Make Your

Hawkeye wrestling club survives on donations from people like you. With your support we can make the Hawkeye Wrestling Club the best Wrestling Club in the world!